The Magic of Making Movies with Alex Saks


Alex Saks makes movies happen. She’s the principal of Page Fifty-Four Pictures, a filmmaker-driven, independent production company. Despite grabbing drinks with the likes of Diane Keaton, she’s one of the most down-to-earth and hard working girls out there. She’s been honored by Variety and the Hollywood Reporter as a person to watch. She talks about what it’s like to build a career in a male-dominated industry, learn the imperativeness of hustle, and be your own boss.

Question Highlights:

  • What led you to where you are today?
  • What have been some of the challenges as a woman in this industry?
  • What are some of the tools you use to get through hard times?
  • How has the pandemic impacted you?
  • Do you do anything consistently that sets you up for success?

“You learn the most from the rough experiences.”

-Alex Saks


  • Alex’s career path
  • Starting your own production company
  • Working in a male-dominated industry
  • How to work through hard times
  • Alex’s daily workflow
  • Having appropriate expectations of your employees
  • Rolling with the punches



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