Redefining & Achieving Wealth


After building a six-figure business only to lose it all during the 2008 recession, Patrice Washington felt like she had lost her way. She went on a journey of self-discovery and came out of it with a clearer understanding of her purpose and — more importantly — the true definition of wealth. In this conversation, we talk about redefining wealth, what that means, and how you can achieve it. Patrice is going to rock your world with relatable wisdom.

Question Highlights:

  • How did you begin talking about what it means to be wealthy?
  • Let’s talk about passion versus purpose.
  • How do we nurture our best selves?
  • How does it manifest for you when you’re not taking care of yourself?
  • How do you let go of expectations?
  • What does it mean to accept your purpose?
  • What does it look like to master the basics?

“Knowledge is gathering information; wisdom is knowing how to apply it.”

-Patrice Washington


  • The true definition of wealth
  • Passion vs Purpose
  • Becoming your best self
  • Replacing your limiting beliefs
  • Accepting your purpose



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